Saturday, April 7, 2007

7 Tips For Faster Weight Loss With The Okinawa Diet

by Ian Mason

In order to lose weight we need to burn more calories than we consume. This is a basic fact of life and a staple in the diet industry. The Okinawa diet is one diet which has a long standing history of success. To help you be successful on the Okinawa diet, we've prepared 7 ways that will help you reach your weight goals

To help you be successful on the Okinawa diet, we've prepared 7 ways that will help you reach your weight goals:

1. Try a weight loss supplement. We don't mean a diet pill, but rather a supplement that will help you naturally lose weight. There are many supplements on the market that claim to be able to help you, but we've found very few that actually do. Phentramin is the only supplement that we've actually had a good amount of success with, and we recommend that you try it yourself.
2. Increase your weekly caloric expenditure. In English, this means burn more calories every week. If your weight loss goal is 2 pounds a week you need to be burning 7,000 more calories than you consume. That equates to about 1,000 a day. You can do this by going to the gym or simply being more physically active.
3. Decrease your caloric intake. Don't starve yourself, but cutting down on your daily intake of calories is an essential step to losing weight. Only eat what you need to live comfortably, otherwise your body will store the rest as fat. If you need help figuring out exactly how many calories that is you may want to invest $50 and visit a nutrionist.
4. Monitor what you eat. The Okinawa diet works by closely monitoring what you've eaten and their calorie counts. Monitor your consumption and keep track of their caloric density. If you notice a pattern of foods with a high caloric density you will want to get back to the proper foods as recommended by the diet.
5. Monitor your activity. This can be like a journal. Outline what you did and how long you did it for. You can parallel your physical activity to your weight loss; the more active you become the more likely you are to lose weight.
6. Monitor your purchasing. Sometimes it may feel as if you are purchasing the right foods, being active, and consuming the right amounts while still not losing weight. This may be because you aren't purchasing the right type of foods.

Processed foods, such as processed cheese or white bread, have less nutritional value and a higher amount of preservatives. This makes the food have a higher caloric density as well as making it more difficult for your body to break down. Make sure you're eating unprocessed, whole foods.

7. Lean protein. High quality, lean proteins are essential for burning fat. Ensure that you're receiving around one half gram for every pound that you weigh. This will promote fat loss while avoiding weight gain.

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