Saturday, April 28, 2007

If You Want to Lose Weight, Stop Dieting!

by Sue Roberts

Fad diets don't work, and what's more, they are expensive! Here's how much some popular diets cost to follow for one week.

Lose weight without is that possible? It seems like a contradiction, doesn't it?

If you have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight in the past, chances are you tried a special diet. And you probably lost weight. The important question of course being, did you keep it off permanently?

For many the answer is no.

In fact a recent study conducted at UCLA showed that short term dieting (up to about 6 months) can be achieved, but 2/3's of all dieters regain the weight within 4 - 5 years.

The reason that these diets ultimately fail is that the underlying causes of overeating aren't usually addressed. The focus is all on counting calories, restricting fats, cutting out carbs, not eating after 7pm, or other such tactics.

Take a look at the reasons why you it what you turn to when under stress? do you refrain from expressing your feelings, stuffing them down with french fries and milkshakes instead?

Examine these questions, do I eat? fast or slow? alone or with others? am I persuaded by advertisements to eat something? if someone offers me something to eat that I don't really want, do I eat it anyway to avoid hurting their feelings?

Dieting is expensive.

In fact, in 2005 reported the following:

"Last year Americans spent an estimated $46 billion on diet products and self-help books....a government review found that two-thirds of U.S. dieters regained all the weight they had lost within a year, and 97% had gained it all back within five years."

Pretty depressing. But there's more!

Ten of the most popular diets were examined to see how much a dieter spent on their weekly food to follow one of these diets. Here's how they compare:

Jenny Craig.............$137.65
Weight Watchers........96.64
South Beach................78.61
Slim Fast.....................77.73
Sugar Busters!............69.62

Pretty amazing, huh?

Granted, dealing with the root issues may take longer, but you'll be much farther ahead (and both your pocketbook and your body will be lighter, too) if you do.

As a certified nutritionist and registered dietitan for over 20 years, Sue is passionate about helping you become your healthiest ever! She provides completely confidential online nutrition counseling, wellness coaching and education services at

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